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Student-Fine Arts Teacher Ratio
This demonstrates the ratio of total student enrollment to the number of FA teachers on a campus. This is similar to a student to teacher ratio per classroom. A lower ratio is better, as that shows there are more FA teachers per number of students. Overall, 98 of 247 (39.7%) HISD campuses with fine arts teachers reported that they had more than 200 students per fine arts teacher.

*27 Campuses without FA teachers were excluded.
elementary, middle & combination schools

96 of 233 ES, MS, and Combination campuses answered this question. On average, they reported that 94% of their students were enrolled in at least one fine arts course.
high schools

46% of HS campuses (19 out of 41) were reported to have courses in four major disciplines (dance, visual arts, music, theatre).

Arts Deserts
We define arts deserts as campuses with no reported fine arts teachers.
27 (9.9%) campuses
campus artlook survey response

Partnerships occur between a HISD campus and an arts organization that can encompass arts programming, professional development, etc.
There were
total reported partnerships and
campuses with no reported partnerships,
14 (19%)
of which are arts deserts.

*D-F ratings were not given due to COVID-19
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